Iranian Journal of Virology- Reviewers Section
Guildelines for Peer Review

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The reviewers are selected by members of the Editorial Board, who base their choices for a particular paper on their knowledge of the field in question, and of scientists working in that field.
Judgments should be objective,
Reviewers should have no conflict of interest with respect to the research, the authors and/or the research funders,
Reviewers should point out relevant published work which is not yet cited,
Reviewed articles should be treated confidentially,
Reviewers should advise editors and the final decision on an article is made by the Editors-in-Chief,
Reviewers should provide constructive comments to improve the quality of the article.

Invitation to review
 Editors will send out review requests to potential reviewers by email via the Editorial Manager submission system.
The manuscript review request email will contain the title of the paper for which a review is needed along with the abstract of the paper. Based on this information, reviewers are asked to either accept or decline the invitation to review the manuscript. The invitation should be accepted or declined by clicking on the links within the email. Reviewers are asked to respond within five days of receiving the invitation to review.
Our standard practice is to ask for the Reviewer Report within 2 weeks (sometimes less for short papers); however, if you are willing to review the paper but will require a little more time, please accept the invitation to review and then contact the Editor to agree an extended deadline. It is helpful if reviewers inform the handling Editor in advance if a review is likely to be delayed. Automatic reminder emails will be sent by the submission system a few days before the review is due.

Accepting the invitation to review

When a reviewer agrees to handle a paper, it is expected that they will also help to review subsequent revisions. The Editors will not send a resubmitted or revised paper back to the reviewers unless it is clear that the authors have made a reasonable attempt to address the original comments.

Declining the invitation to review

Invited reviewers who choose to decline the invitation to review are able to personalize their response to the Editor to let them know why they are unable to accept the review and/or to suggest alternative reviewers.
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